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Hello World

17 July 2023

Hello! Welcome to my little space on the internet.

This website has been through the works for some time now. Originally it was built from the ground up; no static website generators, CSS frameworks, web frameworks, etc. It worked fine serving as a basic portfolio site/developer site, however I wanted to be able to have blogging capabilities which would’ve been tedious to do with just HTML and CSS.

The current website has been completely redesigned; built using Jekyll and a modified version of Sakura.

I went with a more minimalist look this time, instead of the stylized, monogatari series themed approach I had last time. My reason being that it would be easier to maintain and would also to make the site more accessible to anyone with visual impairments or anything similar. The older website had used serif fonts and some effects which, although looks cool in my opinion, doesn’t help with readability. The old design wasn’t media responsive which also encouraged the redesign.

I’m probably still not done with the website however, and probably never will be. I still need to add a dark mode toggle along with a background for the website.
I’m planning on using one of my artworks, or make a collage of it, as the background. That probably won’t be for sometime though until I can get back into the swing of things. I’ve been too busy with software projects and university for me to properly invest my time back into art.

On the technical side, I am planning to move the website over to Hugo at some point. Hugo seems interesting and also better implemented than Jekyll (better build times and easier setup). I just need to finish this project

I will mainly be using this site as a portfolio and blog. Expect to see infrequent posts on topics I find interesting, writeups about my projects, research and uni stuff, artwork, hobbies, etc. I hope you enjoy your stay here :)