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This Website

HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, Jekyll

You're looking at it :)

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Citrus Engine

C/C++, SDL2, OpenGL, Windows, Linux

A low level game engine built using C, SDL2, and OpenGL.

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Python, HTML, CSS, Javascript, GPT3

An intelligent file sorter powered by artificial intelligence. Made within 24 hours at HackNotts 23' with a team of four and won second runner up.

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Java17, Gradle, PaperMC, Spigot, SQLite

A minecraft discord bot which bridges the two platforms together and provides functionality such as whitelisting, chat relay, and displaying of ingame stats. The project originally started out as a Python Bot which I had used for a personal minecraft server. Later it was remade as a PaperMC plugin after a coursemate wanted to help with development.

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For everything else I also made, see my GitHub profile!